I recently left The Washington Post to become a public school teacher with a program called DC Teaching Fellows. I teach fifth grade language arts at Brightwood Elementary.

Here are some maps of China and Asia and terrain representations from my freewheeling student days.

I'm still attaching photos I've taken in Hawaii, Taiwan, and China, so y'all come back, now, y'hear? (If you reach a blank page, just erase everything after "Bektar" in the URL to get back to my home page. I'm working on more user-friendly options).

Recently, I've gotten way into genealogy. Here are some old family photos I'm sharing with my kin.

Links to Stuff I Like

The University of the South: My Alma Mater. I could never, in a hundred books, describe how much I enjoyed attending Sewanee.
The East-West Center: The source of most of my funding for graduate school, as well as my employer this summer. US citizens: Check it out, then tell your Senators and Congressfolk that the EWC is worth the funding!
Amazon.com: I don't just use Amazon.com to buy books at bargain prices, I also use their search engines to conduct research. Sneaky, huh?

Y'all malama pono now, y'hear?